Effective da
te: 2024-05-131. Introduction
Welcome to Ca
sino Boutique.Casino Boutique (“
us”, “w e”, or “o ur”) op erates (h ereinafter re ferred to as “Service”).Our Pr
ivacy Po licy go verns yo ur vi sit to, and ex plains how we co llect, safeguard and di sclose in formation th at re sults fr om yo ur use of our Service.We use yo
ur da ta to pr ovide and im prove Se rvice. By us ing Se rvice, you ag ree to the co llection and use of in formation in ac cordance wi th th is po licy. Un less ot herwise de fined in th is Pr ivacy Po licy, the te rms used in th is Pr ivacy Po licy ha ve the sa me me anings as in our Te rms and Conditions.Our Te
rms and Co nditions (“Terms”) go vern all use of our Se rvice and to gether wi th the Pr ivacy Policy co nstitutes yo ur ag reement wi th us (“agreement”).2. Definitions
ans the ca we bsite op erated by Ca sino Boutique.PERSONAL DATA me
ans da ta ab out a li ving in dividual who can be id entified fr om th ose da ta (or from th ose and ot her in formation ei ther in our po ssession or li kely to co me in to our possession).USAGE DATA is da
ta co llected au tomatically ei ther ge nerated by the use of Se rvice or fr om Service in frastructure it self (f or ex ample, the du ration of a pa ge visit).COOKIES are sm
all fi les st ored on yo ur de vice (c omputer or mo bile device).DATA CONTROLLER me
ans a na tural or le gal pe rson who (e ither al one or jo intly or in co mmon wi th other pe rsons) de termines the pu rposes for wh ich and the ma nner in wh ich any pe rsonal da ta ar e, or are to be, pr ocessed. For the pu rpose of th is Pr ivacy Po licy, we are a Da ta Co ntroller of yo ur data.DATA PR
OCESSORS (OR SE RVICE PROVIDERS) me ans any na tural or le gal pe rson who pr ocesses the da ta on be half of the Da ta Co ntroller. We may use the se rvices of va rious Se rvice Pr oviders in or der to pr ocess your da ta mo re effectively.DATA SUBJECT is any li
ving in dividual who is the su bject of Pe rsonal Data.THE USER is the in
dividual us ing our Se rvice. The Us er co rresponds to the Da ta Su bject, who is the su bject of Pe rsonal Data.3. Information Co
llection and UseWe co
llect se veral di fferent ty pes of in formation for va rious pu rposes to pr ovide and im prove our Se rvice to you.4. Types of Da
ta CollectedPersonal Data
While us
ing our Se rvice, we may ask you to pr ovide us wi th ce rtain pe rsonally id entifiable in formation that can be us ed to co ntact or id entify you (“Personal Data”). Pe rsonally id entifiable in formation may in clude, but is not li mited to:0.1. Em
ail address0.2. Fi
rst na me and la st name0.3. Ph
one number0.4. Ad
dress, Co untry, St ate, Pr ovince, ZI P/Postal co de, City0.5. Co
okies and Us age DataWe may use yo
ur Pe rsonal Da ta to co ntact you wi th ne wsletters, ma rketing or pr omotional ma terials and other in formation th at may be of in terest to yo u. You may opt out of re ceiving an y, or al l, of these co mmunications fr om us by fo llowing the un subscribe link.Usage Data
We may al
so co llect in formation th at yo ur br owser se nds wh enever you vi sit our Se rvice or wh en you access Se rvice by or th rough any de vice (“Usage Data”).This Us
age Da ta may in clude in formation su ch as yo ur co mputer’s In ternet Pr otocol ad dress (e .g. IP address), br owser ty pe, br owser ve rsion, the pa ges of our Se rvice th at you vi sit, the ti me and da te of yo ur vi sit, the ti me sp ent on th ose pa ges, un ique de vice id entifiers and ot her di agnostic data.When you ac
cess Se rvice wi th a de vice, th is Us age Da ta may in clude in formation su ch as the ty pe of de vice you us e, yo ur de vice un ique ID, the IP ad dress of yo ur de vice, yo ur de vice op erating sy stem, the ty pe of In ternet br owser you us e, un ique de vice id entifiers and ot her di agnostic data.Tracking Co
okies DataWe use co
okies and si milar tr acking te chnologies to tr ack the ac tivity on our Se rvice and we ho ld certain information.Cookies are fi
les wi th a sm all am ount of da ta wh ich may in clude an an onymous un ique id entifier. Co okies are se nt to yo ur br owser fr om a we bsite and st ored on yo ur de vice. Ot her tr acking te chnologies are al so used su ch as be acons, ta gs and sc ripts to co llect and tr ack in formation and to im prove and an alyze our Service.You can in
struct yo ur br owser to re fuse all co okies or to in dicate wh en a co okie is be ing se nt. Ho wever, if you do not ac cept co okies, you may not be ab le to use so me po rtions of our Service.Examples of Co
okies we use:0.1. Session Cookies: We use Se
ssion Co okies to op erate our Service.0.2. Preference Cookies: We use Pr
eference Co okies to re member yo ur pr eferences and va rious settings.0.3. Security Cookies: We use Se
curity Co okies for se curity purposes.0.4. Advertising Cookies: Ad
vertising Co okies are us ed to se rve you wi th ad vertisements th at may be re levant to you and yo ur interests.5. Use of Data
Casino Bo
utique us es the co llected da ta for va rious purposes:0.1. to pr
ovide and ma intain our Service;0.2. to no
tify you ab out ch anges to our Service;0.3. to al
low you to pa rticipate in in teractive fe atures of our Se rvice wh en you ch oose to do so;0.4. to pr
ovide cu stomer support;0.5. to ga
ther an alysis or va luable in formation so th at we can im prove our Service;0.6. to mo
nitor the us age of our Service;0.7. to de
tect, pr event and ad dress te chnical issues;0.8. to fu
lfil any ot her pu rpose for wh ich you pr ovide it;0.9. to ca
rry out our ob ligations and en force our ri ghts ar ising fr om any co ntracts en tered in to be tween you and us, in cluding for bi lling and collection;0.10. to pr
ovide you wi th no tices ab out yo ur ac count an d/or su bscription, in cluding ex piration and renewal no tices, em ail-instructions, etc.;0.11. to pr
ovide you wi th ne ws, sp ecial of fers and ge neral in formation ab out ot her go ods, se rvices and events wh ich we of fer th at are si milar to th ose th at you ha ve al ready pu rchased or en quired ab out un less you have op ted not to re ceive su ch information;0.12. in any ot
her way we may de scribe wh en you pr ovide the information;0.13. for any ot
her pu rpose wi th yo ur consent.6. Retention of Data
We wi
ll re tain yo ur Pe rsonal Da ta on ly for as lo ng as is ne cessary for the pu rposes set out in th is Privacy Po licy. We wi ll re tain and use yo ur Pe rsonal Da ta to the ex tent ne cessary to co mply wi th our legal ob ligations (f or ex ample, if we are re quired to re tain yo ur da ta to co mply wi th ap plicable la ws), resolve di sputes, and en force our le gal ag reements and policies.We wi
ll al so re tain Us age Da ta for in ternal an alysis pu rposes. Us age Da ta is ge nerally re tained for a shorter pe riod, ex cept wh en th is da ta is us ed to st rengthen the se curity or to im prove the fu nctionality of our Se rvice, or we are le gally ob ligated to re tain th is da ta for lo nger ti me periods.7. Transfer of Data
Your in
formation, in cluding Pe rsonal Da ta, may be tr ansferred to – and ma intained on – co mputers located ou tside of yo ur st ate, pr ovince, co untry or ot her go vernmental ju risdiction wh ere the da ta pr otection laws may di ffer fr om th ose of yo ur jurisdiction.If you are lo
cated ou tside Fr ance and ch oose to pr ovide in formation to us, pl ease no te th at we tr ansfer the da ta, in cluding Pe rsonal Da ta, to Fr ance and pr ocess it there.Your co
nsent to th is Pr ivacy Po licy fo llowed by yo ur su bmission of su ch in formation re presents yo ur agreement to th at transfer.Casino Bo
utique wi ll ta ke all the st eps re asonably ne cessary to en sure th at yo ur da ta is tr eated se curely and in ac cordance wi th th is Pr ivacy Po licy and no tr ansfer of yo ur Pe rsonal Da ta wi ll ta ke pl ace to an or ganisation or a co untry un less th ere are ad equate co ntrols in pl ace in cluding the se curity of yo ur data and ot her pe rsonal information.8. Disclosure of Data
We may di
sclose pe rsonal in formation th at we co llect, or you provide:0.1. Business Transaction.
If we or our su
bsidiaries are in volved in a me rger, ac quisition or as set sa le, yo ur Pe rsonal Da ta may be transferred.0.2. Other ca
ses. We may di sclose yo ur in formation also:0.2.1. to our su
bsidiaries and affiliates;0.2.2. to co
ntractors, se rvice pr oviders, and ot her th ird pa rties we use to su pport our business;0.2.3. to fu
lfill the pu rpose for wh ich you pr ovide it;0.2.4. for the pu
rpose of in cluding yo ur co mpany’s lo go on our website;0.2.5. for any ot
her pu rpose di sclosed by us wh en you pr ovide the information;0.2.6. wi
th yo ur co nsent in any ot her cases;0.2.7. if we be
lieve di sclosure is ne cessary or ap propriate to pr otect the ri ghts, pr operty, or sa fety of the Co mpany, our cu stomers, or others.9. Security of Data
The se
curity of yo ur da ta is im portant to us but re member th at no me thod of tr ansmission ov er the In ternet or me thod of el ectronic st orage is 10 0% se cure. Wh ile we st rive to use co mmercially ac ceptable me ans to protect yo ur Pe rsonal Da ta, we ca nnot gu arantee its ab solute security.10. Your Da
ta Pr otection Ri ghts Un der Ge neral Da ta Pr otection Re gulation (GDPR)If you are a re
sident of the Eu ropean Un ion (E U) and Eu ropean Ec onomic Ar ea (E EA), you ha ve ce rtain data pr otection ri ghts, co vered by GDPR.We aim to ta
ke re asonable st eps to al low you to co rrect, am end, de lete, or li mit the use of yo ur Personal Data.If you wi[email protected].
sh to be in formed wh at Pe rsonal Da ta we ho ld ab out you and if you wa nt it to be re moved fr om our sy stems, pl ease em ail us atIn ce
rtain ci rcumstances, you ha ve the fo llowing da ta pr otection rights:0.1. the ri
ght to ac cess, up date or to de lete the in formation we ha ve on you;0.2. the ri
ght of re ctification. You ha ve the ri ght to ha ve yo ur in formation re ctified if th at in formation is in accurate or incomplete;0.3. the ri
ght to ob ject. You ha ve the ri ght to ob ject to our pr ocessing of yo ur Pe rsonal Data;0.4. the ri
ght of re striction. You ha ve the ri ght to re quest th at we re strict the pr ocessing of yo ur personal information;0.5. the ri
ght to da ta po rtability. You ha ve the ri ght to be pr ovided wi th a co py of yo ur Pe rsonal Da ta in a st ructured, ma chine-readable and co mmonly us ed format;0.6. the ri
ght to wi thdraw co nsent. You al so ha ve the ri ght to wi thdraw yo ur co nsent at any ti me wh ere we re ly on yo ur co nsent to pr ocess yo ur pe rsonal information;Please no
te th at we may ask you to ve rify yo ur id entity be fore re sponding to su ch re quests. Pl ease no te, we may not ab le to pr ovide Se rvice wi thout so me ne cessary data.You ha
ve the ri ght to co mplain to a Da ta Pr otection Au thority ab out our co llection and use of yo ur Personal Da ta. For mo re in formation, pl ease co ntact yo ur lo cal da ta pr otection au thority in the Eu ropean Economic Ar ea (EEA).11. Your Da
ta Pr otection Ri ghts un der the Ca lifornia Pr ivacy Pr otection Act (CalOPPA)CalOPPA is the fi
rst st ate law in the na tion to re quire co mmercial we bsites and on line se rvices to po st a pr ivacy po licy. The la w’s re ach st retches we ll be yond Ca lifornia to re quire a pe rson or co mpany in the Un ited St ates (a nd co nceivable the wo rld) th at op erates we bsites co llecting pe rsonally identifiable in formation fr om Ca lifornia co nsumers to po st a co nspicuous pr ivacy po licy on its we bsite st ating exactly the in formation be ing co llected and th ose in dividuals wi th wh om it is be ing sh ared, and to co mply wi th this policy.According to Ca
lOPPA we ag ree to the following:0.1. us
ers can vi sit our si te anonymously;0.2. our Pr
ivacy Po licy link in cludes the wo rd “P rivacy”, and can ea sily be fo und on the ho me pa ge of our website;0.3. us
ers wi ll be no tified of any pr ivacy po licy ch anges on our Pr ivacy Po licy Page;0.4. us[email protected].
ers are ab le to ch ange th eir pe rsonal in formation by em ailing us atOur Po
licy on “Do Not Tr ack” Signals:We ho
nor Do Not Tr ack si gnals and do not tr ack, pl ant co okies, or use ad vertising wh en a Do Not Tr ack browser me chanism is in pl ace. Do Not Tr ack is a pr eference you can set in yo ur web br owser to in form we bsites that you do not wa nt to be tracked.You can en
able or di sable Do Not Tr ack by vi siting the Pr eferences or Se ttings pa ge of yo ur web browser.12. Your Da
ta Pr otection Ri ghts un der the Ca lifornia Co nsumer Pr ivacy Act (CCPA)If you are a Ca
lifornia re sident, you are en titled to le arn wh at da ta we co llect ab out yo u, ask to delete yo ur da ta and not to se ll (s hare) it. To ex ercise yo ur da ta pr otection ri ghts, you can ma ke ce rtain requests and ask us:0.1. Wh
at pe rsonal in formation we ha ve ab out yo u. If you ma ke th is re quest, we wi ll re turn to you:0.0.1. The ca
tegories of pe rsonal in formation we ha ve co llected ab out you.0.0.2. The ca
tegories of so urces fr om wh ich we co llect yo ur pe rsonal information.0.0.3. The bu
siness or co mmercial pu rpose for co llecting or se lling yo ur pe rsonal information.0.0.4. The ca
tegories of th ird pa rties wi th wh om we sh are pe rsonal information.0.0.5. The sp
ecific pi eces of pe rsonal in formation we ha ve co llected ab out you.0.0.6. A li
st of ca tegories of pe rsonal in formation th at we ha ve so ld, al ong wi th the ca tegory of any other co mpany we so ld it to. If we ha ve not so ld yo ur pe rsonal in formation, we wi ll in form you of th at fact.0.0.7. A li
st of ca tegories of pe rsonal in formation th at we ha ve di sclosed for a bu siness pu rpose, al ong with the ca tegory of any ot her co mpany we sh ared it with.Please no
te, you are en titled to ask us to pr ovide you wi th th is in formation up to two ti mes in a rolling tw elve-month pe riod. Wh en you ma ke th is re quest, the in formation pr ovided may be li mited to the personal in formation we co llected ab out you in the pr evious 12 months.0.2. To de
lete yo ur pe rsonal in formation. If you ma ke th is re quest, we wi ll de lete the personal in formation we ho ld ab out you as of the da te of yo ur re quest fr om our re cords and di rect any service pr oviders to do the sa me. In so me ca ses, de letion may be ac complished th rough de -identification of the in formation. If you ch oose to de lete yo ur pe rsonal in formation, you may not be ab le to use certain fu nctions th at re quire yo ur pe rsonal in formation to operate.0.3. To st
op se lling yo ur pe rsonal in formation. We do n’t se ll or re nt yo ur pe rsonal in formation to any th ird pa rties for any pu rpose. We do not se ll yo ur pe rsonal in formation for mo netary consideration. Ho wever, un der so me ci rcumstances, a tr ansfer of pe rsonal in formation to a th ird pa rty, or wi thin our fa mily of co mpanies, wi thout mo netary co nsideration may be co nsidered a “s ale” un der Ca lifornia la w. You are the on ly ow ner of yo ur Pe rsonal Da ta and can re quest di sclosure or de letion at any time.If you su
bmit a re quest to st op se lling yo ur pe rsonal in formation, we wi ll st op ma king su ch transfers.Please no
te, if you ask us to de lete or st op se lling yo ur da ta, it may im pact yo ur ex perience wi th us, and you may not be ab le to pa rticipate in ce rtain pr ograms or me mbership se rvices wh ich re quire the us age of yo ur pe rsonal in formation to fu nction. But in no ci rcumstances, we wi ll di scriminate ag ainst you for ex ercising yo ur rights.To ex[email protected].
ercise yo ur Ca lifornia da ta pr otection ri ghts de scribed ab ove, pl ease se nd yo ur re quest(s) by email:Your da
ta pr otection ri ghts, de scribed ab ove, are co vered by the CC PA, sh ort for the Ca lifornia Consumer Pr ivacy Ac t. To fi nd out mo re, vi sit the of ficial Ca lifornia Le gislative In formation we bsite. The CC PA took ef fect on 01/01/2020.13. Service Providers
We may em
ploy th ird pa rty co mpanies and in dividuals to fa cilitate our Se rvice (“Service Providers”), pr ovide Se rvice on our be half, pe rform Se rvice-related se rvices or as sist us in an alysing how our Se rvice is used.These th
ird pa rties ha ve ac cess to yo ur Pe rsonal Da ta on ly to pe rform th ese ta sks on our be half and are ob ligated not to di sclose or use it for any ot her purpose.14. Analytics
We may use th
ird-party Se rvice Pr oviders to mo nitor and an alyze the use of our Service.15. CI/CD tools
We may use th
ird-party Se rvice Pr oviders to au tomate the de velopment pr ocess of our Service.16. Advertising
We may use th
ird-party Se rvice Pr oviders to sh ow ad vertisements to you to he lp su pport and ma intain our Service.17. Behavioral Remarketing
We may use re
marketing se rvices to ad vertise on th ird pa rty we bsites to you af ter you vi sited our Se rvice. We and our th ird-party ve ndors use co okies to in form, op timise and se rve ads ba sed on yo ur pa st vi sits to our Service.18. Links to Ot
her SitesOur Se
rvice may co ntain li nks to ot her si tes th at are not op erated by us. If you cl ick a th ird pa rty link, you wi ll be di rected to th at th ird pa rty’s si te. We st rongly ad vise you to re view the Pr ivacy Po licy of ev ery si te you visit.We ha
ve no co ntrol ov er and as sume no re sponsibility for the co ntent, pr ivacy po licies or pr actices of any th ird pa rty si tes or services.19. Children’s Privacy
Our Se
rvices are not in tended for use by ch ildren un der the age of 18 (“Child” or “Children”).We do not kn
owingly co llect pe rsonally id entifiable in formation fr om Ch ildren un der 18. If you be come aware th at a Ch ild has pr ovided us wi th Pe rsonal Da ta, pl ease co ntact us. If we be come aw are th at we have co llected Pe rsonal Da ta fr om Ch ildren wi thout ve rification of pa rental co nsent, we ta ke st eps to re move that in formation fr om our servers.20. Changes to Th
is Pr ivacy PolicyWe may up
date our Pr ivacy Po licy fr om ti me to ti me. We wi ll no tify you of any ch anges by po sting the new Pr ivacy Po licy on th is page.We wi
ll let you kn ow via em ail an d/or a pr ominent no tice on our Se rvice, pr ior to the ch ange becoming ef fective and up date “e ffective da te” at the top of th is Pr ivacy Policy.You are ad
vised to re view th is Pr ivacy Po licy pe riodically for any ch anges. Ch anges to th is Pr ivacy Policy are ef fective wh en th ey are po sted on th is page.21. Contact Us
If you ha[email protected].
ve any qu estions ab out th is Pr ivacy Po licy, pl ease co ntact us by email: